============ Console docs ============ .. container:: cmd :name: c-print **Print to console** Prints text (object/s) to console and starts a new line. *Parameters* * ``STRING`` The text * ``STRING`` ... .. container:: cmd :name: c-input **Input from console** *Parameters* * ``STRING`` Prompt text (optional) .. container:: cmd :name: c-print-nnl **Print to console without newline** Prints text (object/s) to console but does not start a new line. *Parameters* * ``STRING`` The text * ``STRING`` ... .. container:: cmd :name: c-stderr **Print to stderr (option)** Prints text to stderr (standard error) instead of stdout (standard output). You can use this command as a parameter for `print <#c-print>`__ and `print without newline <#c-print-nnl>`__.