=============== Multimedia docs =============== .. container:: cmd :name: mm-ef-s **Create sound player for a file** Returns player object. *Parameters* * ``STRING`` File path .. container:: cmd :name: mm-tone **Play tone** *Parameters* * ``NUMBER | STRING`` Frequency of the tone or tone name (C, D, E, F, G, A, B). * ``NUMBER`` Duration in milliseconds * ``BOOL`` If true then the program continues after the tone stop playing. Continuing without waiting for end is available only with the turtle plugin. .. container:: cmd :name: mm-ps **Play sound (file or sound player)** *Parameters* * ``STRING | SOUND PLAYER`` Plays the file at the string path or unpauses the sound player. .. container:: cmd :name: mm-ss **Pause sound player** *Parameters* * ``SOUND PLAYER`` Pauses the sound player. .. container:: cmd :name: mm-ef-s-status **Get is player playing** Returns True if the sound player is not paused. *Parameters* * ``SOUND PLAYER`` Sound player. .. container:: cmd :name: mm-ef-s-seek **Seek to given position in seconds** *Parameters* * ``SOUND PLAYER`` Sound player. * ``NUMBER`` New position in seconds. Must be greater or equal to zero and not greater than the duration of the media. .. container:: cmd :name: mm-ef-s-pos **Get current position** Returns current position in media in seconds. *Parameters* * ``SOUND PLAYER`` Sound player. .. container:: cmd :name: mm-ef-s-dur **Get the duration of the media opened in the player (zero if duration is unknown)** Returns duration of the media in seconds. *Parameters* * ``SOUND PLAYER`` Sound player.